Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rudy's New Friend

Rudy had a very exciting morning.  He has a new friend.  Huxley, a lab/pit/rottweiler/etc. mix, is visiting the main house for the next few days.  Apparently Huxley might not totally be comfortable playing with other dogs so there was a littler nervousness when Rudy and Huxley first met.  In typical Rudy fashion he just ran away as fast as he could until he was sure Huxley wasn't going to attack him.  Within 15 minutes they were fast friends.  They ran.  They played.  They tired themselves out so much that they had to take to playing while lying on their sides and backs.  It was too stinking funny.

Perhaps the funniest thing was that Rudy has internalized how Cliff plays with him and is now using those skills to take down other dogs.  Cliff will try to touch Rudy's front paws when they play.  Rudy doesn't like it so he tries to kick them behind him.  Eventually Rudy just ends up going down on his front elbows.  Well, sure enough, our genius dog started going after Huxley's paws in the same way today.  Did it work?  Heck yes!  He was able to briefly best a bigger dog.  We think that made him happy.  It sure made Cliff and I laugh.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Amazing or Gross?

The other day Cliff and I were doing our grocery shopping in Walmart and as we walked down one of the aisles Cliff gasped.  Sometimes he does this when we go grocery shopping as he excited over the cost of rhubarb or sugar going back to a 5lbs. bag.  This time he waved me over excitedly to show me something in the peanut butter section.  I thought it was pretty cruel as there is never anything I can eat there.  The closest thing I have to peanut butter is sunflower seed butter and the only place that sells it is Trader Joe's.  And I love them for it.

Imagine my surprise when I see the words Biscoff written on the little peanut butter shaped jar.  My mind was boggled.  Why is Biscoff mixed with peanut butter?  I love Biscoff!  I bet that is amazing.  I hate being allergic to nuts!  So I grumped and began to walk away when Cliff happily let me know that no peanuts are involved.  Only Biscoff.  Once again I was boggled.  What is this new Biscoff stuff?  That's right....Biscoff spread.

I know I have already documented my love of Biscoff cookies on the blog (Biscoffs and Bravery).  They sersioudly make me really happy so of course we bought a jar of the crazy stuff.  I opted for the plain instead of crunchy as I needed to start with the must basic form of Biscoff spread. What is it like you ask?  It is like a liquid cookie.  Which is at one time simply amazing and yet kinda weird.  Oily goo spread isn't suppose to taste like my favorite cookie. 

I've eaten it on toast and on pretzels.  It is good but the texture/favor combo really kinda weirds me.  My brain wants to think it is really gross while my taste buds think it is awesome.  I'm torn.  What are your thoughts? 
