Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pre's Trail

Did you know that running is big here in Eugene?  One of the many names for Eugene is Track Town USA.  Here are a few reasons why:  Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman developed what would become Nike shoes while with the University.  I'm sure you all know the story of the ruined wife's waffle iron.  The University of Oregon's Hayward Field is hallowed ground for Track and Field athletes. The Olympic Track and Field trials are routinely held here and in fact we will see world class athletes entering the area again this June for the event. Track Town Pizza is the best pizza in town (well that is beside the point but they honor all the greats with photos and posters).  There are tons of running clubs and events.  Miles upon miles of beautiful trails.  Being outside and being physically active are valued by the community.  In general, runners are everywhere.

It is hard to live in a town that is so passionate about running and not get motivated.  When we lived here before we really enjoyed running in Alton Baker Park.  There is a four mile set of running trails in the park named after Steve Prefontaine (or Pre).  Pre was a running star from Oregon that ran tack for the University in the early '70s.  At one point he held seven American records for middle-long distance events.  He is a big name around these parts and you will often see folks with his face on their t-shirts or on a poster/mural of him in local businesses.

Before he died he worked with Eugene and Springfield to create high quality running trails in Alton Baker Park (a.k.a Pre's Trail).  The trails run along the Willamette River, through grassy areas, by a small mill race, past a duck pond, by Autzen Stadium, and a happening dog park. The park is popular so you will always see people in their spandex running, walking with dogs, or strolling with a metal detector (I saw one yesterday!); but it is big enough that you don't feel like you are surrounded.  It is wonderful.   When remembering things I loved about the area I would always think back on jogging/walking on the trails. 

We went to the park yesterday because it was beautiful out.   I jogged about 2 1/2 miles and Cliff ran a little over 4 miles.  While watching others run by me I realized that I am probably one of the world's slowest and most awkward looking runners.  Oddly I'm not sad about that.  Instead I'm kinda excited about getting back out there again as I am just one of many unique Track Town residents.  If you can't run funny here then you can't run funny anywhere.

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