Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Snow

That's right, we got hit with snow on the 2nd day of spring.  We knew that the snow lines were going to be down around 500 feet so we expected maybe a dusting to an inch or so around our house.
Not even close.  Cliff got up early and woke me up to look outside.  In the dark everything looked like it was glowing.  It was so quiet out at 6:00 am.  It was really beautiful. 

In the hills we got between 9 1/2 - 10 inches.  Honestly, that amount of snow is crazy for this area.  It rarely happens.  From what we understand the city pretty much shut down for the day.  We didn't know the extent of the storm as we lost power for about 48 hours.  We were totally fine.  We have city water, a wood stove, and we used a can of evaporated milk to make chocolate show ice cream.   Good times.

The snow was the heavy wet kind so it brought down all kinds of trees and limbs.  The laurels behind our house are now all broken and bent.  In our yard alone there are probably ten trees that are damaged.  You could hear them falling all over the place.  It was like hurricane Irene all over again.  At one point I gasped when I heard/saw one fall.  My reaction really freaked Rudy out and he ran around the house barking and cowering.  Cliff told me that I needed to get it together and be brave for Rudy.  I chilled out and eventually Rudy did too.

Today was absolutely beautiful outside.  It was 60 degrees and sunny so the snow is disappearing.  So far spring has been pretty crazy.  The flowers really have no clue what to do.  Who knows what will happen next week.

1 comment:

  1. those pictures are so pretty, especially the first one. way to brave it for Rudy's sake!!!
