Sunday, November 11, 2012

Climbing Update

Hello folks!

I wanted to give ya'll a quick update on the climbing process.  Cliff and I started "climbing" in May right after I got my new job.  I use quotation marks as Cliff has really been climbing and I have been...not so much climbing.

Cliff is awesome.  He pretty consistently volunteers once a week to help with a Kids Climbing Club, he has climbed outdoors at the Columns, he has made climbing friends, he has lost weight and gained lots of muscle, and on top of that he is getting better and better each time he goes.

Me on the other hand?  Let's see...I have been maybe nine or ten times.  One of those I freaked before I really even hit eight feet off the group nd had to be lowered (the Spring Cling event I wrote about back in May).  The next time I got off the ground but ended up shaking so bad that I froze on the wall and kinda hyperventilated.   Another three or so I can guarantee that I cried as I clung to the holds (some of these with co-workers standing within ear shot). A few more I was plagued and intimidated by the whole process and just didn't really try.  Four times ago I told Cliff that I would go ten more times and that if I still hated it I would be done.  Neither one of us could be upset as I would have given it the old college try.

With all of this said, I have had three positive climbing experiences.  One: the first time I made it to the top of the wall.  It was the short part of the wall.  I wasn't on route.  Did I mention it was the easiest route that all of the kids easily climb?  I didn't care.  I made it.   Two: The first time I climbed up that same, sad, easy route without going off course.  That day I also managed to fling my body up the tall side of the wall.  Was I on route?  No.  Did I take breaks?  At least three.  Did I freak out and at least once tell Cliff I was done and to lower me?  Yes and yes.  I guess I'm happy about it now as he didn't listen and I made it.  Today was number three.

Let me start with Cliff's awesomeness first.  He climbed several 5.8s without a problem and did super great on a 5.9.  He even made it halfway up a 5.10 and looked fantastic doing it!  (For those folks who aren't super into climbing (aka folks like me) the numbers go up the harder the routes go).  We both were so excited.  I'm really proud of him and I know he is proud of himself.  Go Cliff!

Now my turn.  I climbed my first 5.7 ever without going off route and I didn't stop for any breaks.  I even had to jump up a bit to get to a hold which meant that not all four of my limbs were touching things.  I know right?  Also, I climbed the long route that I severely cheated on during #2 positive experience time.  I didn't make it cleanly up but that is ok as I fell going for it.  I fell!  I didn't nervously yell down to Cliff that I was going to stop.  Plus I didn't cry!!!  No tears today.  I was actually kinda liking it.  If my body didn't feel like a rubber band I might have asked to go again.  Who am I? 

Cliff was really excited as he did great and I was flippin amazing.  He really wants this to be something that we do together.  I would like that too.  It still might be a possibility as I didn't want to cry, hyperventilate, or poop my pants today.  Total win!

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