Sunday, June 3, 2012

Moonlight Five

Last night was the Moonlight Five race in Springfield.  Cliff found the race when I was back in Virginia for my Dad's surgery and it was no brainier of a race as 100% of the proceeds go to the Stroke Center at  RiverBend Sacred Heart Center.  Perfect idea.  

The five mile race started at 9:30pm and consisted of close to 700 people (with glow in the dark accessories) running through streets and paths illuminated by luminaries.  Sadly we didn't get any photos of the paths but you can see a sample picture on their website.

Brie signed up for the race and came down early yesterday afternoon.  Both her and Cliff were super excited and antsy so they got dressed and were ready to run by 7:00pm.  I bought extra glow necklaces and brackets from the Dollar Tree so we were prepared.  Brie sported orange, Cliff was in yellow (his favorite color), and I was decked out in blue as a homage to Dad and his love for Old Dominion (I also wore all the extra bracelets). As you can see I was obviously excited to be glowing. 

It was a first five mile race for all of us.  Both Cliff and Brie have been consistently running over the past few weeks and even I have managed to run more recently.  Brie wanted to run it under 52 minutes, Cliff wanted to run it under 40 minutes, and I was praying to make it under an hour and ten minutes.  My longest single run ever came in a little over four miles so I was nervous about keeping a decent pace for five miles.  I just wanted to finish and feel good about myself.

There was a larger turnout than anticipated and folks were excited to run.  We each ran separately and we all did awesome!  Cliff ran a 39:19 and came in 81st out of 672 people (AWESOME!).  Apparently he felt like he was going to puke all of mile four as he drank water and it didn't go so well.  No worries...he muscled through.  Brie ran under her 52 minute goal and ran the entire way which is a personal best for her (SWEET!).  As for me, I was unstoppable last night.  I ran all five miles without stopping at all and I finished in 59:13.  I seriously was on top of the world.  They had a photographer at the chute snapping photos as folks finished and I'm excited/a little terrified about seeing mine.  I probably looked like a ecstatic crazed person.  I was so freaking happy!  I'm still slow...but I'm getting better...and that is fantastic.

Highlights of my run include:
  • Running next to two ladies who kept playing Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine over and over again on a mini boombox.  They clapped when there was clapping and they ran faster to the lyrics "Run fast for your mother and fast for your father.  Run for your children for your sisters and brothers."  I won't lie.  I teared up a bit.  I did just now even thinking about it.  I'm not sure if it was just used as a motivational tool (it's fun and has a good beat) or if they were actually running for family members.  I know I was.  Maybe that's why I got a little misty eyed.
  • I ran by an older lady for a lot of the race.  She would run and pass me.  Then she would walk and I would pass her.  Repeat for two miles.  It was fun.  I was proud of both of us.
  • I got to see Cliff as he was rounding the bend to go towards the finish line.  I could pick him out by his glowing yellow crown and gait.  I was excited to cheer him on as I hauled my tired butt towards the three and a half mile mark.
  • We ran past the Yogi Tea factory.  I didn't know it was there.  I love Yogi Tea!  So, that was kinda cool. 
Honestly, it was just a really fun night. We hung out for a little while after the race to stretch, see if they were going to post times, and listen to the sweet DJ.  I love events that have a DJ.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing people dance freely to YMCA and Don't Stop Believing.  Let's be honest.  I sometimes tear up to people dancing to DJs.  It just makes me so happy. Brie was by far the most animated out of us and was stretching and dancing.

We all came home and prepared to crash.  There was more stretching, showering, and Cliff even made midnight scrambled eggs.  I don't even remember getting in bed last night.  I must have hit the sheets and passed out.  Good times.  I look forward to doing the race again next year. 

Oh, by the way we are scientists.  We did an experiment with placing half of the glow necklaces in the freezer last night to see if it really does help them live longer.  The results are does!  In fact I'm wearing three as a crown right now as I type this.  I'm glowing and I'm a happy camper. 

Here is a bonus photo.  Guess who is wearing all of the necklaces?

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