Saturday, May 26, 2012


Apparently ever year the University of Oregon's Athletic Department has a surplus sale of all of their sporting apparel.  Over the past few weeks advertisements have been popping up all over town.  Cliff and I went for a run today in Alton Baker Park and I decided that I wanted to check out the event.  Who wants to own official U of O athletic apparel?  I do!  I do!  It was held in the football practice facility which is right across the street from the park.  After I finished my three mile run I went shopping while Cliff ran for another five miles. Great plan.

The sale started at 8:00am so by the time I strolled in around 12:00pm they were pretty wiped out.  They were selling t-shirts, shoes, sweatshirts, and anything else with the O on it or that was printed after they won the Rose Bowl.  In addition to these types of items they were also clearing out all of their practice gear.  Think warm-up pants, jerseys, cleats, football pads, and a ton of other stuff.  I think it is so smart.  Nike apparel is such a huge part of the program.  Heck, Oregon Football players set the fashion standard (in my humble opinion).  If I were two feet taller and 100lbs. heavier I could have gotten some pretty sweet new clothes.  I honestly held some basketball practice jersey up to myself and it was longer than most dresses I wear.  The warm-up pants came up past my chest with the cuffs hitting the floor.  It gave me a whole new sense of appreciation for being athletic in a body that big.  I'm mean the players must be crazy big.

I really wanted to buy stuff.  I brought cash and I was ready.  Sadly, we were too late and almost anything that fit my frame walked out the door hours before.  No worries.  I got to geek out a bit and ooh and aah over all the cool stuff, the practice facility, and overhear football players chatting about how LaMichael has put on 15lbs of solid muscle over the last few months and hasn't slowed down a bit. (Which by the way I think we are going to have to watch a few 49ers games this season to see how it does.  He was/is a great Duck.)  I will admit, I would have totally bought a football practice jersey if there had been one that fit.  How cool would it be to wear something that a player wore during a winning season?  Yikes.  I think I officially just became one of those sports fans.  Oh well.  It was fun.  I'm totally going back next year. 

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