Thursday, October 18, 2012

Safety Token

My work has a safety incentive program that involves giving people safety tokens when you notice them doing things that are in fact safe.  Well, I had a safety token and this week I cashed it in for one sweet deal.  We are getting close to the end of the program so once higher value items (3-5 tokens) are being discounted to get people with only one or two tokens (like me) to act.  I scored.  We are now the proud owners of a 15" Pampered Chef Pizza Stone!  How cool is that? 

The only doesn't fit into our stupidly small oven.  Ha.  Oh well.  We will save it until we move and get a normal sized oven again.  Squee!  I'm still really excited.

Also, to put a cherry on top, I have received two more over the last few days.  I think I have my eye on a P.F. Chang's gift certificate.  Keep you posted. 

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