Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Biggest Loser 5K/15K RunWalk

A few weeks ago a team from my work participated in the Biggest Loser 5K/15K RunWalk.  Apparently Biggest Loser has a group of former contestants that travel all around the country and promote these races.  It was a pretty big deal as it brought 1,700 plus their families to our facility to participate in a variety of wellness activities.  My work sponsored a team of about 25 of us.  We showed up decked out in out "Live It!" staff shirts to run, jog, or walk the 3.1 miles. 

Well, let me just say that it has been a really long time since I have ran.  I mean, a really long time.  Cliff and I ran all the time last year as we were both unemployed and looking for something to keep us from going crazy.  Since starting work, Cliff has been climbing a lot, I have been swimming regularly, and we both have not spent our fitness time running.  In fact, the last time I ran anything more than 3 minutes on the treadmill was back in June for the Moonlight Five.  No worries as I threw myself back into the saddle at the Biggest Loser run.  I had high/low expectations for myself.  I was hoping that I would be at the same level as I was last year based on all of the swimming I've been doing BUT I knew that I probably wouldn't be as I have not run in 10 months

Cliff was awesome as he came along to cheer on our group and document with photos.  He also signed up to belay at the climbing wall after the race to get folks interested in coming back to do it again.  There were so many people there.  According to the bibs there were over 1,700 walkers/runners.  The best part was the amount of first time runners/walkers.  Dan and Jackie from Biggest Loser 5 (the mother son duo) were there to start the race and cheer people on.  They asked the crowd at the starting line to raise their hands if this was their first race.  SO MANY HANDS WENT UP.  I saw people pushing walkers.  I even saw one amazing man walking and pulling his oxygen tank.  It was such an amazing thing to experience as all of us participating in the race cheering for others as we saw them on the route.  Tears.  I was emotional the whole time. 

I was pretty pleased as I ran the entire time.  I guess according to my time you could say that I jogged the entire time.  I don't care as I was able to keep it up for 3.1 miles after not running for so long.  I guess the swimming is paying off as my cardiovascular ability has improved.  But sadly my legs and body had forgotten what to do.  I was soooooo sore the next two days.  My body was confused as to what had happened.  I pretty much had to fall into every chair I tried to sit in.  Pretty hilarious but well worth it as look how victorious I was....

After the race I happily ate my little cutie, banana, and cheese bagel.  We listed to Dan from the Biggest Loser sing some country music and then we got our photo with him.  Really nice guy and he is doing great at keeping the weight off.  Five people from my work placed in their age group (nice!) and one of those folks won the whole race.  Way to represent.

It was a really great event and I am so happy that we got to be apart of it.  Everyone was so happy and excited.  Biggest Loser sold all sorts of mech including some pretty inspirational t-shirts.  Once again, tears.  I sadly can't help myself.  I love it when people feel proud.

Cliff and I think we might participate in a few 5Ks every year just to have something to help keep us in better running shape.  I think I am going to do Bark in the Park next month which benefits the local humane society (plus Rudy would get a fun bandana).  My work has a Summer Solstice Dash and Bash 5K coming up on the summer solstice (aka June 21st).  I will be behind the scenes so I won't be able to run but Cliff will do that one again (he placed in his age group last year).  Who knows what we will end up doing.  We are just pretty excited that we are getting out there. 

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