Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Visitors!

Cliff and I felt super popular and loved this week as we got to see a few people that we hadn't seen in a long time.

Last Sunday we ate lunch with Katie Bradley.  Katie was a few years behind us at Calverton, but we did theater together.  She is currently going to grad school in southern Oregon and was passing through Eugene.  It was fun to see her and catch up.  It's scary to think that we have been out of high school for 10 years!  What?  How did that happen!?!?!

On Wednesday, my Aunt Dottie and Uncle John passed through Eugene on their west coast tour.  They are traveling from Seattle to San Fransisco and then back again.  Aunt Dottie and Uncle John were a major part of my life growing up (along with Aunt Peggy and Uncle David and Aunt Teresa and Uncle John).  Everyone pretty much moved away from LaPlata and Waldorf around the time that I graduated from high school so we haven't had an opportunity to see each other as much.  We took them on a tour of Eugene and Springfield.  They honestly saw every building that ever meant anything to Cliff or I (we even took them past out old apartment).  Uncle John video taped a lot of it so some of you might even get a chance to see it at some point when they are back on the east coast.

For dinner we went to Hop Valley, an area brewpub, as we thought it was a fun place that gave them a sense of the area.  The food was great and Uncle John and Cliff sampled beers.  Uncle John wasn't a big fan of the Northwest style IPA, but liked all the other beers he tried. He especially liked the strong ale aged in a bourbon barrel they had on special named "Ladder to Heaven." It was fun.  We had an awesome waitress with some awesome muscles.  Cliff and I have had her in the past as I always feel bad as I can't help by stare.  Her muscles are incredible.  I've never seen muscles like hers in real life.  Well it turns out she has the same last name as my Aunt Dottie and Uncle John which created a bond.  We took a group photo at the end.  I came home and googled our her and sure enough she is a legit figure competitor.  She won a title back in 2010.   Awesome.  That's all I can say. 

After dinner we got ice cream at Prince Puckler's and then went home.  Aunt Dottie and Uncle John are a lot of fun!  I was sad that it was such a short visit but hopefully we will get to see them again soon!

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