Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Gnome

This year for Christmas Andrea and Joe gave us a garden gnome.  They bought it from (an amazing website of handmade goodies).  Each one is cast and painted individually so it takes a little time to get your order in the mail.  We have been anxiously awaiting its arrival so we were really excited when our gnome friend came yesterday!  We have decided to keep him inside until we find a nice, more permanent spot for him out in the yard.  Once the daffodils, crocuses, and lilies start to come up I'm sure we will be able to find a lovely place for him to hangout and enjoy the view.  Until then he is chillin' by the amaryllis and staring out our window.

This little guy is our third garden gnome and the other two both have names and duties.  Steve, one of our friends from college, gave me my first one for Christmas one year.  His name is Fritz.  He likes to protect our cactus and watch for ant invasions.  That is his job.  The one in our window box is named Hans.  He is a hearty little guys who just likes to tend to the plants and make sure they have enough water.  The new guy looks to be the kind of gnome that just likes to sit back and enjoy life.  Maybe his duty is to look after our bird feeder?  Maybe he is always on the lookout for nice weather? Who knows?  One thing is for sure and that is he needs a name.  Any suggestions?

Now, I sense some of you are thinking "Oh my goodness.  Kim has lost it.  She is naming garden gnomes.  We need to get her help."  Don't worry.  This is normal.  I'm an only child and this is what only children do.  We name inanimate objects and give them litter personalities.  It makes us happy.  So chill is totally fine.


  1. The new guy reminds me of this:

    1. Haha. Thanks for the link. So no name recommendation???

  2. Now I know what to get you for the next gifting event! <3
