Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's Sushi Time

Inspired by last week's sushi feast Cliff and I headed to the local Asian supermarket to see what we could pick up to help spice up our nightly meals.  Cliff went straight for the mushrooms and red bean items and I went looking for sushi supplies.  Two years ago Stephen and Nicole got us a sushi mat for Christmas yet we sadly never got a chance to try it out.  That was going to change. 

Tonight we made our very first homemade sushi roll!  I mixed up some wasabi, made some miso soup, and Cliff and I put together three different rolls.  We made a cucumber roll, carrot and daikon radish roll, and a BLT roll.  They turned out really well.  I'm pretty proud of us.  We are already brainstorming different things to put in our next set.  If you have any suggestions please let us know!

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