Saturday, February 11, 2012

Things That Make Me Laugh

Two things happened yesterday that made me laugh.

As you may know our landlords have chickens....well....had chickens.  Last week they decided to give them to a friend as the whole chicken thing wasn't working for them.  It was sad to see them go.  Rudy is particularly sad now that his chicken friends are gone.  He really loved to charge the pen and then sniff around to get them all excited.  First I need to give you a little back information: the chicken coop and run connects to a large garden and the chickens were free to range in the large, fenced in area.  Yesterday I went out to put stuff in the compost pile and Rudy came out with me.  The gate to the garden and chicken run was left open for the first time ever (as there aren't any chickens around).  Rudy ran in, explored the garden, and then charged into the smaller chicken run/coop area.  When I noticed where he was I told him to get out and come.  He tried but for the life of him he could not figure out how to get from the run to the garden to the outside world.  A chicken could figure it out but Rudy couldn't. He was so confused.  He just kept running towards me in the pen instead of backtracking to get out.  The look in his little confused eyes said "What is happening???".  I had to go in to retrieve him as he was that stuck.  I love our dopey dog.

Last night Cliff and I went to the library to return books and pick up a few holds (we are frequent flyers at the library).  We were stopped at a stop light in the left hand lane about three or four cars from the front of the line.  The right hand lane was totally empty.  A white BMW pulls up right next to our car, honks, and then gives us the creepy eyebrow shrug, a goofy smile, and the peace sign.  Apparently he knew us but let me assure you that we did not know this guy.  After about 15 seconds of weirdness, he finally realized that we were in fact not the folks he thought we were and then drives through the red light.  Fortunately there wasn't anyone coming and no one got hurt.  Weird, right?  Cliff and I thought that the whole thing was pretty fantastic and we were thankful for his shenanigans as it gave us something to laugh about.

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